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Monday, October 28, 2013


What Is Liver Disease?

Any disturbances in liver function that can lead to an illness of a person is known as liver disease. The liver is the organ responsible for a number of critical functions in the body. When they get injured or diseased it will affect the proper functioning of the body. Liver disease is otherwise known as hepatic disease. The liver plays an important role in the metabolism of sugar, fat and iron. It produces bile which helps in fat digestion. It is also involved in protein production and the production of blood clotting factors. Symptoms of liver diseases include fatigue, weakness, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, yellow discoloration of the skin known as Jaundice etc. It requires more than 75% of the liver tissues to be damaged to affect the function of the liver. The liver can easily regenerate the damaged cells but if more and 75% of the cells are lost, it may not be able to meet the needs of the body. Some liver problems can be treated with home remedies. Some may require medication and liver failure may require liver transplant.

Home Remedies To Treat Liver Disease

1. Milk Thistle

This herb is effective for a wide variety of liver diseases. There are evidences suggesting that this remedy is beneficial for viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, the toxicity caused by chemicals, mushrooms etc.
  • Take 900 milligrams of this remedy twice a day at mealtimes.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

This remedy helps to detoxify the liver. If taken before meals, it will help in metabolizing fat easily
  • Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water
  • Add one teaspoon of honey to this mix
  • Drink this mixture three times a day to cleanse the liver.

3. Dandelion Root Tea

This remedy helps to promote healthy liver function Make tea using the dandelion root powder available in a food store Take this remedy at least twice daily to get benefited by it. You can also boil a small amount of roots in a glass of water and drink this.

4. Amla Or Indian Gooseberry

This is one of the richest sources of vitamin C and it helps to keep the liver function at optimal level. Studies have proved that amla has liver-protective functions.
  • You can eat 4-5 raw amlas a day
  • Instead you can use them in salads or grate them and eat with curd and salt.
Home Remedies For Liver

5. Licorice

This is an excellent remedy for non-alcoholic fatty liver conditions. This remedy is used in Ayurvedic preparations to cure liver ailments.
  • Powder the licorice root
  • Make a tea by pouring boiling water into the powder
  • Keep it for a few minutes and strain the liquid
  • Consume this tea once or twice a day.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric has antiseptic properties and also acts as an antioxidant. They can improve the liver health considerably. The antiviral action of turmeric prevents the multiplication of viruses causing hepatitis B and C
  • Include turmeric in your cooking
  • You can mix ½ tsp turmeric with milk and drink it every day
  • You can take half teaspoon turmeric mixed with 1 teaspoonful of honey everyday.

7. Flax Seeds

The liver removes the hormones which are circulating in the blood. This causes strain for the liver. The phytoconstituents in flax seeds prevents the hormones from circulating in the blood and reduces the strain on the liver.
  • Use whole or crushed flax seeds on your toast or salads.
  • You can also use them along with your cereals.

8. Papaya Fruit

Papaya fruit is an effective remedy for liver cirrhosis. This is one of the safest natural remedy for liver disease.
  • Add half teaspoon of lemon juice to two teaspoons of papaya juice and consume it every day
  • Take this mixture for three-four weeks to completely cure the problem.

9. Spinach And Carrot Juice

This home remedy is also effective for liver cirrhosis
  • Mix half glass of spinach juice and half glass of carrot juice
  • Drink this natural juice every day for at least for three hours

10. Avoid Alcohol

  • If you want to keep your liver healthy avoid taking alcohol. Alcohol puts strain on the liver.

11. Avocados And Walnuts

If you want to protect your liver from diseases include avocados and walnuts in your diet.
  • The glutathione present in avocados and walnut cleanses the toxins deposited in the liver

12. Apples And Leafy Vegetables

Leafy vegetables stimulate the flow of bile and pectin present in the apple remove toxins from the digestive tract. This will help to protect the liver.
Remedies For Liver Disease

13. Drink Fluoride Free Water

Drink plenty of fluoride free water. Water helps to cleanse your system.
  • Drink 10-12 glass of water daily to keep your liver healthy and free from toxins.

14. Exercise

Regular exercise stimulates the proper digestion of food and the elimination of fat from the body. Exercise increases sweating which helps to remove the toxins through the skin. This relieves the strain on the liver.
  • At least 40 minutes of exercise for 5 days of the week is necessary to get the benefits.

15. Green Tea

This is an excellent remedy for liver problems. Green tea contains high amount of catechins which supports the liver functions.
  • Drink 3-4 cups of green tea every day to get relief from liver disease and to protect your liver.
Apart from these remedies, avoid the use of cigarettes and the excess use of iron supplements, if you want to protect your liver from diseases.
Are you suffering from any kind of liver diseases? Are you looking for the home remedies to clear the toxins from the liver which are affecting the functioning of this organ? If you feel that your liver diseases is not a severe problem which requires immediate medical attention, you can opt for any of the above given home remedies. Not all home remedies work similarly for everyone, so by trial and error find out which one is effective for you.


15 Foods That Help  Fight Breast Cancer

Breast cancer might be a common form of cancer but it can also take on a deadly form. It has been predicted by the World Health Organization that by 2020 the incidence of breast cancer cases will be higher than what it is today. It is believed that one in every eight women runs the risk of developing breast cancer during her lifetime. Such an ailment is a complex one. There are many factors that play a role in it such as dietary and lifestyle factors as well. Breast cancer can be prevented as well as controlled by taking on healthy habits like reducing alcohol consumption, controlling the weight, breast feeding, avoiding exposure to polluting and radical elements as well as following a healthy diet plan.

1.    Spinach

Spinach is a vegetable that contains many properties which help it to fortify the system against breast cancer.


•    It consists of an antioxidant which is lutien that has a major role to play in guarding the breast cancer cells and to stop it from spreading to other areas of the body
•    It consists of carotenoids and zeaxanthin which can help to remove unstable molecules from the body


•    Spinach can be enjoyed in the form of a salad ingredient
•    It can be steamed, stirred and sauteed and added to any dish
•    Other cruciferous vegetables like Swiss chard, romaine lettuce and kale are known to have similar properties

2.    Tomatoes

One should try and include tomatoes highly in their diet as this vegetable item is known to have beneficial properties


•    Tomatoes are known to contain lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant that can help to prevent breast cancer development
•    It can assist in stopping the cancerous cell growth
•    Lycopene can also stop other cancerous cells from growing in other organs like the lungs or the endometrial
The best way to gain its benefits is to enjoy a glass of tomato juice in its fresh form. One can also enjoy it in their meals in the raw, boiled, cooked or pureed form.

3.    Turmeric

It is known to contain a substance known as curcumin which can help to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells such as skin cancer, lung, breast and gastrointestinal cancer.


•    Curcumin in turmeric helps to stop the spreading of breast cancer to other areas
•    It can help to repair DNA which is damaged by radiation
One can consume turmeric powder in their food or consume a pinch of raw turmeric with water on an empty stomach every morning. This is a root that finds place in daily cooking of many Indian meals. That is surely a great way to protect the system from the onset of cancer.

4.    Pomegranate Juice

Research shows that pomegranate can help to destroy cancer cells without affecting the cells which are healthy.


•    It is known to contain polyphenol which is a form of ellagic acid and is known for its antioxidant properties
•    It will prevent the formation of cancer cells in the breast region
Pomegranate can be consumed as a fruit juice or as a fruit based dessert. One needs to include it in their diet to prevent breast cancer, either as a fruit or as its juice.

5.    Salmon

It is a fish that contains types of omega-3 fatty acids and other nutritional ingredients which can help to slow down the growth of cancerous tumors.


•    It contains omega-3 fatty acids which can help to slow down the growth of cancerous tumors
•    It helps to boost the immune system as it contains vitamins B complex and D
•    It is a source of lean protein
Such elements will help to regulate cell growth and prevent the onset or progress of cancer. Salmon can be consumed by baking or grilling it than deep frying it. One can try and consume three portions of the fresh fish every week. Other similar fishes with preventative properties:
•    Trout
•    Sea bass
•    Tuna

6.    Garlic

Garlic is seen to help prevent breast cancer in different ways.
•    Sulfur compounds are present in the garlic which can help to speed up the repair of DNA
•    It can help to kill the cancerous cells that cause breast cancer as well as stomach, colon, mouth and other forms of cancer
The maximum benefit is derived from the garlic by peeling and chopping the garlic cloves and allowing them to sit for some time before they are cooked. One could also crush or swallow a piece of garlic every morning if one wishes to lead a cancer free life.

7.       Blueberries

This wondrous berry is known to have many properties which can help to avert ailments like cancer.
•    These berries are known to be rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals
•    The phytochemicals that are present in the blueberries prevent the spread of breast cancer
•    Antioxidants like ellagic acid is known to have anti cancer properties which can slow down the growth of tumor as well as helps to destroy substances which cause cancer
•    It is best to try and eat fresh blueberries instead of the packed version
The other berries of the same family and with similar benefit are:
•    Strawberries
•    Blackberries
•    Cranberries

8.     Flaxseed

Flax seed is known to contain many beneficial properties that will help to prevent and control the growth of breast cancer.
•    Flaxseed is known to contain high levels of lignin which in turn protects the cells which are affected by the cancer causing estrogen cells
•    The flaxseed oil contains omega-3 fatty acids which can help to form a protective shield from cancer
•    Powdered flaxseed can be added to yoghurt or made a smoothie to produce a nutty or richer flavor
•    Flaxseed oil can be used to make salad dressings
•    It can be used or added as an ingredient in cookies or muffins

9.    Broccoli

Broccoli is a vegetable that is known to contain certain unique ingredients which can help to fight this ailment.
•    It contains compounds such as indole-3-carbinol that help fight cancer. This chemical is known to convert the cancer causing estrogen into an estrogen which helps to protect the body from cancer.
•    It will help to reduce risk of other types of cancer such as prostate, lymphoma, bladder and even lung cancer
•    Other cruciferous vegetables can be included such as cauliflower, kale and cabbage which help to reduce the risk of breast cancer
It is best to have the vegetables in the cooked form.

10.    Walnuts

Walnuts are known to be good for those who are suffering from breast cancer.
•    Walnuts contain healthy fatty acids like omega-3 which can help the body to fight the inflammation and reduce the growth of cancerous tumors
•    Walnut and their daily consumption will help to keep at bay all risks of breast cancer
Those who are suffering from breast cancer can consume two ounces of walnuts which will slow down the growth and development of the cancerous tumors.

11.    Grape seed extract

Such an extract might be harder to find as many of the grapes sold in stores are nowadays of the seedless variety.
•    The extract of the grape seeds is known to help inhibit aromatase
•    This in turn helps to prevent the formation of cancer
•    Grape seed extract also helps to prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells

12.    Beans

Beans, especially of the black and navy variety have been tested to help reduce colon cancer in rats.
•    When one consumes a diet rich in legumes it increases the level of fatty acid butyrate in them
•    That in turn helps to reduce and prevent cancer growth
•    Dried beans are found to be effective in preventing breast cancer in rats

13.    Mushrooms

Mushrooms have been identified to have cancer fighting abilities.
•    The white button mushrooms are capable in slowing down the growth of breast cancer tumor cells by controlling aromatase
•    This protein enzyme is known to biosynthesize estrogen in the body and is linked in helping to spur breast cancer tumors
•    These are even linked in helping to control and prevent the growth of prostate cancer
Mushrooms can be consumed in boiled or cooked form to enjoy its many health benefits.

14.    Cinnamon

Cinnamon is used as a medicine as well as a spice. It offers many powerful benefits.
•    It is known to block a protein which gives blood supply to the cancer cells
•    Angiogenesis is prompted by cinnamon which can help to prevent the tumors from growing as well as spreading.
Are you suffering from breast cancer? Have you been cured but told to stay under supervision? The fight against cancer is a long one but with the right diet one will be able to stave off its snares for good.